

What is the PFACNetwork?
PFAC stands for “Patient and Family Advisory Commitee.” The PFACNetwork is a forum that brings together those who share a passion for engaging patients and family members in communication, shared decision-making, and institutional collaboration in all areas of health care. The PFACNetwork is a wonderful resource to ask questions, engage in discussion, brainstorm ideas and build relationships with national – and international – peers while working together to promote high quality and safe health care experiences. The PFACNetwork is not limited to patients and family members. All health care staff, clinicians, educators, and administrative leaders as well as community organizers are welcome. Discussion forums cover all topics related to promoting patient- and family-centered care across the health care continuum: clinical care (hospital or medical center, ambulatory care clinic or office, long term care facility, home care); quality improvement and research partnerships; and education of patients, families, staff and students.

Join the PFACNetwork here