Friday 5 Newsletter Library
Our weekly Friday 5 newsletter aims to keep our members up-to-date on the latest news and resources in patient safety. With articles, interviews, podcasts, videos, reports, press releases, event invites, and job listings, Friday 5 is an easy way to stay current on the local and national goings-on in the ever-changing healthcare industry. Subscribe to the Friday 5 Newsletter.
- 05/26/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Reflections From the NPSF Annual Congress
- 05/ 05/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Top 5 Reasons you do not Want to Miss the WPSC Conference!
- 04/28/ 2017 – WPSC Friday 5: The Ongoing Opioid Struggle
- 04/21/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Diagnostic Error: The new Frontier in Patient Safety
- 04/14/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Patient Safety at the Intersection of Tort Reform & Medical Malpractice
- 04/07/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: What Does Safety Culture Truly Entail?
- 03/31/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Latest Progress in the Opioid Fight
- 03/17/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: The Northwest Patient Safety Conference
- 03/10/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: The art of Communication After Medical Error
- 03/03/2017- WPSC Friday 5: Teenage Patient Safety
- 02/24/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: The Heart and Science of Patient Safety.
- 02/17/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Should Residents’ Hours Be Expanded? Two Sides of the Debate.
- 02/10/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: PFAC Picks: When do Quality metrics Miss the Mark?
- 02/03/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Adapting Commonplace Patient Safety Practices
- 01/27/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: The Truth Behind Workplace Violence in Health Care.
- 01/20/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: What Should We Expect for the Post-ACA Healthcare Industry?
- 01/13/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Teasers & Speakers for the NW Patient Safety Conference!
- 01/06/2017 – WPSC Friday 5: Meet Our PFAC! (Patient & Family Advisory Council)
- 12/30/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: The Biggest Stories of 2016
- 12/23/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Views on “Obama’s Last Law” – the 21st Century Cures Act
- 12/16/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Focus on Health IT
- 12/12/2016 – WPSC Important Event News!
- 12/09/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Call for 2017 Conference Speakers + Save the Date!
- 12/02/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: What Could ACA Repeal Mean for Safe, Quality Care?
- 11/11/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: PFAC Picks — Patients Matter.
- 11/04/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Patient Safety and Risk Management
- 10/28/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Care Outside the Acute Setting
- 10/19/2016 – Upcoming Patient Safety Events You’ll Want on Your Calendar!
- 10/14/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: PFAC Picks
- 10/07/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: WA Takes Action on the Opioid Crisis
- 09/30/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: PFAC Picks, Religious and LGBT Disparities in Health
- 09/23/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Fighting Clinician Burnout
- 09/16/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Eliminating Diagnostic Errors
- 09/09/2016 – WPSC Friday 5: Teen Care, Elder Care & Difficult Conversations