Medication Safety Champions: Marian Dobles and Sandy Chun

The Washington Patient Safety Coalition has been striving to highlight the efforts of those on the front line of medication safety. We have also begun new outreach efforts to students within the medical and public health fields, to engage them around patient safety. In this month’s “Medication Safety Champions” blog, we feature two University of Washington pharmacy students expressing their hopes for the role of pharmacy in medication safety work.

Student: Marian Dobles, PharmD student, Univeristy of Washington

Q: What are some of the best tools, practices, or educational materials that you use to increase medication adherence, community awareness or patient engagement around medication safety?

A: The best tool within my internship setting is access to patient charts. This, along with being mindful of when the medication was last dispensed, helps me identify potential adherence issues. I print a medication list from the patient chart, as well as a calendar, so the patient can keep track with an up-to-date and complete list of their medications. I also ask patients for an accurate list of their supplements, vitamins, and over the counter medications, so that I can add it to their chart and to their medication list. I engage the patient by filling in a medication wallet-card with them, and assisting them in filling out their calendars. For a lot of older patients, I have found that offering to set up daily reminders on their smart phones have been very useful.


Q: If youʼre currently a pharmacist, what tips and would you give those who are beginning their Pharmacy studies, or just entering the field? If you are a Pharmacy student or just entering the pharmacy field, what excites you the most about the future of the profession?

A: The future of the profession is currently changing, especially with the ever-increasing role of pharmacists as providers. I think the career of pharmacy is expanding into new roles, and I am looking forward to finding and creating a niche that fills  the needs within my community. As an aspiring pharmacist, I am looking forward to being able to provide patient care and making a difference in patient lives.


Student: Sandy Chun, PharmD Student, University of Washington

Q: If youʼre currently a pharmacist, what tips and would you give those who are beginning their Pharmacy studies, or just entering the field? If you are a Pharmacy student or just entering the pharmacy field, what excites you the most about the future of the profession?

A: I am extremely excited about the direction this profession is heading towards. As this profession continues to advance in the direction that focuses on the clinical aspects of pharmacy, pharmacists are now equipped with the knowledge and education to provide patient-centered care including medication management and review, chronic illness management, wellness screening, as well as disease prevention and education. All of which are key to improving medication non-adherence and maximizing therapy efficacy.